Thursday, March 11, 2010

What the huh~~

So this blog is going to be fairly sporadic ... not really a direction again. But still a pressing manner. Are any of you interested in ominous facebook messages for the ex aka Jack. Well I hope you are...

I'm sorry that your life has hit a ruff spot and I'm sorry that I have
contributed to it. It seems that every time we talk I just end up
hurting you and I don't like that, so for now/for a while, this is
goodbye. I hope things get better and I wish you well, though I trust
that soon things will turn out beneficial to you.

Yup that is right. I am officially going nuts. Why is it that my past keeps popping up out of the blue to bite me in the ass. Can I ever really put anything behind me. Will that ever be possible. Will I ever just move on.

I sure hope that you guys have some opinion on this because as of now I am at a loss. Tell me what you think. IT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!

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